We invite you to join us in building God's Kingdom through biblical higher education worldwide.
Recurring needs
- Scholarship Fund
- Infrastructure expenses
- Office expenses
- Educational expenses
- IT expenses
Here are some of the ways in which you can help the IRTC-FITRef:
- Pray for us – Ask God to educate men and women of God through our school. Pray that they may be servants of the King, committed only to him and leaning not on their own understanding. May the students and their teachers acknowledge the Lord, and him only, in all their ways.
- Tell your church and friends about us and our needs – Try to call attention to our ministry in church bulletins, newsletters, etc. One easy way to do this is to put the following line in your email signature: "Support biblical higher education worldwide: https://irtc.online/support-us."
- Support us financially – Our goal for 2023 is US$209,000.00. If we raise the full amount, we will not only pay all our administrative expenses, but we will also appropriately remunerate our instructors and other personnel. Are you able to help in any way? Make a donation. Sign up for our newsletter to get our latest financial updates.
- Help a needy student – The IRTC sets the fees to students according to the standard of living in the country where the student resides. Each student is expected to pay fees that are comparable to what similar schools might charge in the student's country. Nevertheless, many are not able to pay these amounts without assistance. Would you like to help a needy student? Very modest amounts can make a great difference for some of our students. Even $25-$50 makes it possible for students from some countries to enroll in courses that otherwise would be prohibitive for them. A total amount of USD$10,000.00 would meet all the financial assistance needs for all students this year. When you make your donation to the IRTC, just indicate that it is for student financial assistance.
- Contribute to our Library Fund – Our school is much in need of a quality electronic library. This is particularly important for students living outside of Brazil in countries such as Mozambique, Portugal and Japan, since most of the assigned texts are published in Brazil and very costly to obtain in other countries. We are currently exploring a very exciting project that could provide all of our community with excellent personal electronic libraries. It is estimated that USD$30,000 might be needed to get this project off the ground.
We are Tax-Exempt in the USA
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined that the IRTC is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Tax Code. Our documentation is available for public inspection.