Confessional Position – The IRTC holds that the biblical truth is expressed correctly in the Reformed faith. All of the teaching of the College is based on this position. The members of the board, the administration, and the faculty sign a form of subscription, either to the Three Forms of Unity (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort) or the Westminster Standards (the Westminster Confession and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms).
Ecclesiastical Relations – Although without official ties to any church, the College expresses affinity with the churches of the International Conference of Reformed Churches and is a defender of the Reformed doctrine promoted by these churches.
Men and Women of God – It is the objective of the College to raise up men and women of God. The teaching of the Word of God cannot just be an intellectual exercise. The growth in true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in obedience to God are much more important than the acquisition of intellectual information. A wise man has knowledge and is obedient and faithful to God in the use of this knowledge. The teaching of the IRTC aims to inculcate in the students deep respect and adoration for God. The students will strive for maximum growth in intellectual and experiential knowledge in order to produce fruit of the Spirit, to live a truly holy life of obedience to God, and to pass on this biblical wisdom to their brothers and sisters in the Church. For this the College counts on the students' churches to supervise and disciple the students, so that they may put into practice the obedient teaching that the IRTC provides.